Your Personal Tutor AI

Make the most of your study time and work smarter, not harder. Use our Tutor AI to get answers and more for your studies.

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Get an instant Overview from your Tutor AI

Your Overview Massage from our Tutor Ai will give you an overview of our PDF, what the aim is, where to start and what to ask.

Comprehensive outline.
Instantly gain a clear understanding of the structure of a document by identifying key sections such as the table of contents, introduction, key topics and learning objectives, making it easier to navigate and understand the with your Tutor Ai.
Focused Insight and Clarity.
Highlight the most important elements and topics within the document, allowing users to quickly grasp the main ideas and essential information without having to wade through the entire content with your Tutor Ai.
Guided starting point.
Provide a structured roadmap that tells users where to begin their exploration, ensuring they can efficiently engage with the document's content and effectively prioritise their learning or review with your Tutor Ai.
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Choose your Task goal with one Click

Quick Summarization.
Instantly create clear and concise summaries to grasp the main ideas without reading the entire document with your Tutor Ai.
Efficient Topic Breakdown.
Automatically divide complex subjects into organized subtopics, making study sessions more focused and manageable with your Tutor Ai.
Easy Simplification.
Simplify challenging concepts to an easy-to-understand level, enhancing comprehension and retention with your Tutor Ai.
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study faster with your Tutor AI

Everything you need to to study faster


Write what you think

You can increase the size of your editing window so that you can write longer and include your thoughts in your answer, as you should do in exams.



Upload in one Chat multiple files so you build your knowledge base and always get the correct answer based on your knowledge base.


Change the way you wnat to study

By Changing modes you can deside what and how you want to study and get the best out of your study time.


Study with Flashcards as you know

Our AI Flashcards are based on your knowledge base and help you to study faster and more effective you choose which cards you want to study in the proven Anki FSRS algorithm.